Kingdom Tower Finally Going Under Construction In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Picture of crawling crane and its parts on the Kingdom Tower construction site
Bauer Group moving construction equipment on the Kingdom Tower construction site
© Soltan Al Harbi/SSC

Finally! Bauer Group, company which built Burj Khalifa's foundations started moving into the site in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. German construction company was chosen in October to build foundations for the new world's tallest building, over 1km tall Kingdom Tower.

After pile testing in January and some redesigning on the tower's podium, actual construction is set to start this month and should be completed within 10 months when Kingdom Tower will shoot into the sky. Apparently tower is also fully funded and there shouldn't be any problems and delays during construction process regarding financing.

Stay with us, we will follow closely every move on the construction site.

Update: Preparation work done, foundation construction start.

Picture of construction objects by Saudi Bauer on the Kingdom Tower construction site
Bauer Group moving construction equipment on the Kingdom Tower construction site
© Soltan Al Harbi/SSC

Picture of yellow trailer with construction equipment on the Kingdom Tower construction site
Bauer Group moving construction equipment on the Kingdom Tower construction site
© Soltan Al Harbi/SSC

Picture of entrance into the white trailer on the Kingdom Tower construction site
Bauer Group moving construction equipment on the Kingdom Tower construction site
© Soltan Al Harbi/SSC

Kingdom Tower model showing lower part of the building with foundations
Kingdom Tower podium and foundation model
© Dar Al-Handasah Shair and Partners/Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture

Kingdom Tower blueprint showing foundation piles
Kingdom Tower foundation blue print
© Dar Al-Handasah Shair and Partners/Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture


  1. طلاقمخدراتنفقةخلعترويجحيازةمروجمخدراتتعاطيسرقةجريمةعقاراتملكيةرقم هويةوزارة العدلسرقةالسارقخلع الزوجمخالعةذهبمحامي طلاقمدة سجنعقوبةرفض دعوى الخلع رفع قضيةتفريققاضيخلع الزوج دون علمه محامي تجاري جنائي اداري احوال شخصية السعودية جدة مكة
