Architecture Facts | Part 1

Here's something new on World of Architecture. There's so many projects going up across the globe every day, millions of people working, drawing, thinking, building. Every architectural project has its own story, from drawing board to becoming reality. That's why we started new topic called Architecture Facts.

We'll try to feed you with interesting facts and stories about some of the most famous buildings and projects built on our planet. Hope you will enjoy. If you like it, don't forget to share and pin facts you like or find interesting.

So, architecture fact #1: Did you know that construction of Burj Khalifa, current world's tallest building, took more than 110,000 tons of concrete 55,000 tons of steel rebar and incredible 22 million man hours?

Falling Water House

Architecture fact #2: You heard of famous Falling Water House right? Of course you did. Author of this masterpiece, Frank Lloyd Wright once suggested that concrete surfaces of the house should be coated in golden leaf. Imagine that. 

Golden Gate Bridge

Architecture fact #3: Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. We all watched those documentaries showing workers hanging everywhere to put this bridge together. Well, during construction of the bridge, safety net saved 19 men of falling down into the sea after which those men became known as the "half-way-to-hell club". Scary, right?

World's narrowest house

Architecture fact #4: World's narrowest house, built in Warsaw, Poland is only 92 cm (3.02ft) wide at its narrowest part and 152 cm (4.99ft) at its widest. It is also known as Keret House named after its resident.

Empire STate Building with zeppelin

Architecture fact #5: Mighty Empire State Building. When designed, large Art Deco spire was imagined to be mooring mast for zeppelins and other airships to dock at. That would be nice sight today.

Hope you liked this week's facts. Stay tuned for part 2.

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